The Christmas Day sliding party is always one of the best parts of Christmas. Last year, somehow, someway, someone crunched up Dad's sled. Jill found a new one for him for Christmas this year.

Christmas Day was perfect for sliding. Not too cold no so frostbite...not too hot so the snow didn't pesky sunshine to give us snowblindness and LOTS of people to make it fun. Here we have Dad taking the first run of the year on the brand new sled!

Noooooo, this isn't Rudolph or any of the reindeer! This is Katie with her Christmas horns that the Yunkers gave her. Actually, these are her trophy horns from her first deer hunt.
(With Tara's Kia)

Go Emily go!!

Soft, fluffy
Invigorating, snowing, exciting
Getting frosty, getting squished
Thrilling, freezing, slipping
Wet, cold